e-TDS/eTCS Return - www.tin-nsdl.com, incometaxindiaefiling.gov.in

e-TDS Return

The deductor is liable to deduct TDS form certain payment and required to deposit to the government within the specified time limit. The deductor also required to file a TDS return i.e. e-TDS return quarterly. To understand the filing of TDS return in layman language is nothing but providing the details of the Tax deducted from the person with respect of their Permanent Account Number.

The Income Tax Department has appointed NSDL as an intermediary to collect e-TDS return from the deductors. According to Income Tax Act for specified payments, both corporate as well as non-corporate entities are required to deduct TDS for the payment and deposit the deducted amount with authorized banks to collect the amount of TDS on behalf of government and file TDS return. Such TDS return should also contains details of challan of the payment made by deductor and the details of the deductee(s) i.e. Name of the deductee and CORRECT Permanent Account Number. Deductors can directly upload the e-TDS return through NSDL website or can submit return at TIN-FC center of NSDL.

A new scheme is launched by the Income Tax Department from 2003, for filling of TDS return in electronic form. From 1st june, 2003 onwards TDS returns are filled electronically. It becomes compulsory for the government deductors also to file TDS return in electronic form from the F.Y. 2004 – 2005. 

The Scheme launched by the ITD is at the following link

e-TCS Return

TCS means tax collected at source. It is different from the TDS (Tax Deducted at Source).

In TDS, the deductor is the person who is going make payment to other person (deductee) will deduct TDS from the payment made to the deductee. But in TCS the person who is receiving the amount means seller will deduct tax from the amount he received from the buyer.

There are certain specified businesses, where the seller has to pay TCS on the material sell by him to the specified business.

The basic procedure is same as in the TDS, i.e. the TCS collector has to deposit the collected amount to the bank specified by the Income Tax Department and file the TCS return before the due date. The Income Tax Department has appointed NSDL as an intermediary to collect e-TCS return from the deductors.

A new scheme is launched by the Income Tax Department from 2003 in which TCS returns filled in electronic form. From 1st june, 2005 onwards TCS returns are filled electronically. It becomes compulsory for all the deductors to file TCS return in electronic forms. The Government deductors should also file TCS return electronically from the F.Y. 2004 – 2005.

The Scheme launched by the ITD is at the following link

From the F.Y. 2005 – 2006 the e-TDS/e-TCS returns filled on quarterly bases



Corporates, Government
Departments / Organisations
mandatory to file in electronic form
Other deductors - may file in electronic form or in physical form
Form 27A to be filed in physical form with each return submitted through TIN-FC.

The e-TDS/e-TCS returns filed in CD or pen drive at NSDL TIN FC center along with the Form 27A/27B in physical form. Form 27A contains the total of amount paid and TDS deducted in e-TDS return filled in Form 24, 26 or 27. Form 27B contains the details of amount paid and TCS collected in e-TCS return filled.
The control total of form 27A/27B will be match with the control totals of e-TDS/e-TCS

Procedures and Guidelines for preparation and furnishing e-TDS/e-TCS return – Click Here

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